I'm back! Well, back to blogging, that is. I've missed this place after months of hiatus! It's great to be back!
I've joined yet again this year's
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which means it's going to be another busy November for me. But what's got me so excited about this project is the fact that I'll be writing a 50k word fanfic on...what else? Granado Espada!
I have to admit that this is going to be one hell of a busy month. Although I'm really psyched to write this fanfic, the very same fears plague me every time I join this thingamajig, i.e., beating the 50k word cut, writing something that doesn't look like a pathetic attempt at novel writing, and making the story believable.
Right now I'm doing a bit of research on feudal/medieval Europe just to give me an understanding on the historical basis of GE. I admit it's already late to be researching a broad topic, but I wasn't sure if I can pull it off, that was, until this month. I figured that I basically know the ins and outs of the game and writing a fanfic novel of GE is something that I should really get started on. I've been wanting to write the back stories of the various NPCs as well as my own speculations of the game's end story, and joining NaNoWriMo will hopefully get those creative juices flowing.
I shall try to blog about the novel's progress here, as I think it's but fitting to talk about my novel writing woes about GE in this blog. Hopefully when the story's fleshed out, I might post a few snippets. :)
This is something that I'd like to do not just for myself, but for the game that I grew to love for the past 2 years.
Let the agony begin! XD