Tuesday, June 30, 2009

7-day solo flight

Yesterday I bid my friends in Sanggre Faction a temporary, but sad farewell. After finally figuring out how to transfer the FL rings, my small, cozy faction had a new leader in the person of Trianna.

It kinda felt weird not to have those shiny rings, but I guess it's all for the best. Trianna will be a good leader to the group, and perhaps the next time I encounter the faction, I'll be seeing new faces within the ranks.

Anyway, it's going to be a long week ahead of me as I go solo. It's a good thing I was able to redeem the Noble Court ranks now that my family level shaved off 3 points when I left the faction. I'll be regaining those hopefully in the coming week as I join the ranks of the ¤ ALL ¤ STAR ¤.

A new adventure awaits me very soon!

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