If you’ve been playing Granado Espada up until now, chances are you’re most familiar with the music behind the dark, dangerous maps to the more laid back, pristine ones. Admittedly, GE is one game that has a plethora of musical scores that will get you in the mood, whether it’s just power levelling or going on raids.
Here’s a rather interesting article I was able to read in the net about one of GE’s music composers, Kubota Osamu. The interview, done by Jayson Napolitano of OSV, did a spectacular job on detailing his life and works. For the uninitiated, Kubota-san was also behind the music of the PlayStation game, Beatmania, among others.
Here’s some interesting tidbits about Kubota-san, as based from the interview:

- GE’s creator, Hakkyu Kim, is a fan of Kubota Osamu’s music and has contacted him to create music for the game.
- Kubota-san worked with the Asian Philharmony Orchestra in China to come up with the orchestra scores for the game.
- Kubota-san’s wife plays Granado Espada.
- He’d like to bring his music to cinematic MMORPGs, something similar to Final Fantasy or Evangelion.
- He experimented with the use of vocals in his music (check out Odyssey and Maya, the background music for the Al Quelt Moreza and Ustiur jungle maps respectively). The consonants and vowels used in the vocals do not mean anything in any native language.
- Granado Espada is his favourite project!
- Kubota-san speaks English, French, Japanese, Korean and Chinese! He’s a French literature graduate.
- His current projects include the Korean MMORPG, NED Online, as well as a Japanese video animation, entitled switch.